Page name: the two princesses [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-04 07:02:16
Last author: farawaygone
Owner: farawaygone
# of watchers: 6
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Hello and welcome to our castle.
This land is ruled by two sisters princess [~Altopia~] and princess [farawaygone] We welcome all who wish to partake in a mystical adventure. Just say what role you would like to have in this wiki and we will see what we can do.

The youngest princess on the right. Enjoys playing music, singing and warking through the gardens

The princess on the left. She is a very tallented artist and enjoys painting drawing and playing the piano.

[Sand Dragon of the East]
princess starflyy's knight his nickname is sirquackalot and he a very loyal and brave knight indeed.

Well he is just who he is a really nice guy who always has the time to talk to me...

[Iron Horse]
A white knight who protects the castle from attack.. also is part magician and can cast white healing spells.

[studwillie] The royal magician, he can to incredible magic spells... and can see the future.

Altopia's Kirby Knight.

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2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: this si true but i dont have a sexy red hat, i dont even have a hat

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: hmm come to think of it in this era I don't think my sexy red hat was even invented... damn it... *tries to neaten the hair she has untidied*

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: *get a chill down his spine* so donr playin with my hair now eh? what do u want to do now ma Lady?

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: what do you want to do im sorry I gave you a chill down your spine is my touch that icy?

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: no your touch isnt icy, just the fact u where playing with my hair sent a chil down my spine*quack* i asked you what u wanted to do first :-)

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: hmmm why don't you dance.. your a funny dancer and it makes me quack myself opps caak myself...

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: lol, very well then i guess *starts doing the robot and making robot noises* now if i only had soem music*quack*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: *starts making robot noises errrr, clink, clank, hmmm, brrrrr, whizzzz*

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: lol *stops doing the robot and laughs at the noises u make a little bit and has u get up and dance with him*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: *quacks up and starts moving her hands slowly and anguarly and keeps making noises whizzz,bang, ker klunk, push my button...*

2005-02-24 [FaST2HaMMeR]: heloooooooooo

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: hello fast toooo hammmer I don't know how to write a direct link to this page, I am just learning computer... will you join my wiki

2005-02-24 [FaST2HaMMeR]: yeah suree

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: ok I will put you up there.

2005-02-24 [FaST2HaMMeR]: oke thxx

2005-02-24 [FaST2HaMMeR]: great

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: sorry I have to go now I will see you really soon

2005-02-24 [FaST2HaMMeR]: oke bye

2005-02-25 [Sand Dragon of the East]: *Welcomes sir Fast2Hanner with a knightly welcome*

2005-02-25 [farawaygone]: hello there sirquackalot..

2005-02-25 [Iron Horse]: howdy all! *bows*

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